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The real reason many men never wear shorts

The real reason many men never wear shorts
The real reason many men never wear shorts

Why don't many men wear shorts? This article could give you some interesting answers (and ... Details).

We often think that only women suffer from complexes related to clothing and the way they dress; not wrongly, to tell the truth, because someone who insists on establishing "rules of conduct" on the subject of outfits for the female world, such as the veto on miniskirts after 35 years or with covered arms after 50, there is still is.

Still, even men are not immune to the charm of fashion and everything that revolves around the universe of style, and one of the great dilemmas around which males wonder is linked to an evergreen of their wardrobe: shorts.

Some love them, others just can't stand them and would much prefer to suffer from the tropical heat rather than showing around in shorts, even if only to cut the lawn at home. But why all this horror towards a piece of clothing that, however, has its own history? Tracy Moore, investigating among male friends, tried to explain it in an article published in Mel Magazine. At the base there would be socio-cultural reasons, but also real reasons for ... Embarrassment in showing the legs!

A message against the stereotype of virility

The real reason many men never wear shorts

First of all, it is not true that stereotypes exist only for women; we are wrong to think that those who choose not to wear short pants do so by virtue of a lack of athleticism, that to prefer long pants are only nerds or lazy people who do not love sports;

"At some level, Never Shorts are actually men who are not athletes and alpha males, who live on the periphery of conventional masculinity,"

Moore writes, but often the refusal of shorts is also their way of rejecting traditional virility. The one at Magnum PI, so to speak, which must necessarily show as many muscles as possible. This too, after all, is a sexual cliché that offends anyone who is not equipped with a real Adonis physique. But among the various reasons there is also one that mentions the so-called "use occasion"; the stylist Tom Ford, in fact, clarified that “A man should never wear shorts in the city. Flip flops and shorts in the city are never appropriate. Shorts should only be worn on the tennis court or on the beach. "

It is a garment for children (and is considered 'gay')
The real reason many men never wear shorts

On the other hand, the reason for the refusal of shorts lies in a reading that defining "homophobic" probably does not make the idea well. In some states of the United States, in fact, there are real bans and you risk even fines if you want to show your calves, or wear shorts. The reason for this legislation is simply that shorts are considered non-virile, but considered a garment exclusively for children or women. “Grown men don't wear shorts. Grown men should not show their legs for any reason unless they play sports in their spare time. Showing off your legs is something children do for functional reasons, and women do it for sexy reasons. Men are not children and men should never look sexy in the same way women do: he would be gay, ”writes Moore in his article.

They represent a cliché
According to some convinced Never Shorts, the shorts indicate a very specific type of man, “generally white, rather stupid, not very sophisticated, with no sense of style, who does not read books, certainly not very cosmopolitan. We didn't want to be associated with this category, "explained a graphic designer to Moore Sam.
Another man, heard by Tracy, Jon, said that while he usually wears shorts when he runs, or at home in hot weather, he would never wear them to go out. Your motivation? "I would look like an Australian."

The wearer simply does it only during physical activity, or at most in his spare time at home.

It is difficult to match them
Finally, there is a problem intimately related to style: many men, in fact, do not have the slightest idea of ​​how to combine shorts. "I've never had a sort of summer-sports shoe to wear with shorts," a man named Kevin explained to Tracy. "So should I wear boots with shorts?"

The real reason many men never wear shorts

“I don't wear shorts often because I find it really difficult to find fashionable shorts - echoed Lance, a photographer - The men's clothing departments are disgusting, with shorts and wide cargo shorts, which make you feel like you are dressing like disgusting ".

While many of the men who don't like shorts have had no leg problems, others have admitted that they don't wear them because they don't feel physically fit. “It's really a spiral - Seth said - Stop buying them because you don't like wearing them. Then, when you want to do it, you feel uncomfortable because of your white legs and the stupid tattoos of unicorns and staves, and at some point you realize that unless you're on the beach or something, fuck your shorts . I look better when I wear jeans nine times out of ten. "

Aaron said he refused to wear shorts between the ages of 14 and 38 because of his "pale and almost hairless legs". Especially because he had been embarrassed because of them. "More people asked me if I had shaved my legs, which was embarrassing, and many other people said that my legs seemed to belong to a completely different body than my potentially dead forearms."

This is the strange paradox of men's shorts. It is clear that men care about their bodies in a similar way to women, although perhaps they better conceal it, they are not required to have an age threshold after which they cannot "afford" certain garments and seem less and less interested in fashion . So the same question also applies to them: accept yourself as you are, whitish legs and hairs included, or live constantly in the terror of others' judgment, and endure 40 degrees in the shade in order not to show your calves?

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