I know, it's difficult to comprehend the sheer unlikability of such actions. Yet, expecting even a modicum of compassion from Meghan at this point seems futile. This is the same individual who managed to turn her own husband against his own family over unproven allegations of manipulated truth. For Angela Levin, an increasingly infamous commentator, witnessing this latest display of narcissistic depravity was the final straw.
The deluge of gossip reporters seemingly confirming Meghan's sociopathic thirst for infamy, even in the face of genuine human suffering, proved to be a breaking point too far. Furious beyond words, the seasoned royal expert took to the airwaves to express her righteous indignation, condemning the duchess's actions as a disgusting new low, even by her own abysmal standards.
To Angela and levelheaded individuals worldwide, the overwhelming public support for Charles and Kate in their cancer battles underscores one undeniable truth: the royal family remains deeply rooted in the cultural fabric and affections of not only Britain but millions around the world. Even cab drivers were moved to tears by the outpouring of love for the royal couple, rendering them momentarily speechless.
An entire nation, no, continent, captivated by the personal struggle of their hereditary leaders. This resonance with people from all walks of life stands in stark contrast to Meghan's repeated and gross mischaracterizations of the royals as racist and oppressive relics. Angela argues that the passionate rallying behind Kate and Charles obliterates Meghan's false narrative. It reinforces how the family remains a beloved institution globally, an unshakable constant woven into the very fabric of society.
In Angela's view, this deep cultural connection is fundamental to the monarchy's existence and longevity, and it directly rebukes any notion that the institution is merely an archaic sideshow desperate for pop culture relevance and Meghan's disruptive brand of modernization.