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What sportswear can do to your health (if you don't take it off after training)

What sportswear can do to your health (if you don't take it off after training)
What sportswear can do to your health (if you don't take it off after training)

Do you have vaginal itching? It could be due to these reasons

Sometimes we get so caught up that the gym or running equipment, sweaty, spends more time on our skin than necessary. Big mistake
What sportswear can do to your health (if you don't take it off after training)

The madness of schedules to which we are subjected forces us more often than we would like to leave the gym without changing. And although most of the time we are more worried about the heady aroma that we can emanate than anything else, the real problem that hides a sweaty gym dress is quite more serious. Dr. Paloma Cornejo Navarro, dermatologist and member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) explains that "sweat is irritating and can cause dermatitis or worsen a preexisting atopic dermatitis", but reminds us that the main problem of not changing is that having a high temperature after exercising, "sweat or sweaty clothes get cold and increases the risk of catching a cold." Other infections that we can catch by not going under running water include the dreaded genital infections, pityriasis versiocolor or athlete's foot. The mechanism that triggers these typical "gym infections" is the same for almost everyone: a dangerous combination of humidity and warm environment. We review some of them.

Cystic acne
Do you know those red, inflamed, painful bumps that appear on the face, neck and back even though your puberty has already passed more than 150 years ago? Exact, cystic acne. When our pores are clogged (usually with dead cells), it is possible that they are "trapped" bacteria that can cause a deep infection (and hence the area becomes inflamed, red, etc ...). As you can imagine the sweat does not bring anything good to the situation and not cleaning up after exercising ends with you in front of the mirror taking acneic justice by your hand and leaving your skin worse than it was (if you try to squeeze the cysts you can spread the infection ). In addition to a shower you can also help antioxidant supplements with N-acetylcysteine ​​and silymarin: a study published in the Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research indicates that after taking these supplements for eight weeks acne lesions improve 50%. Dr. Cornejo also alerts us to the folliculitis caused by Pityrosporum ovale yeast, which is an infection similar to acne and that “grows excessively in very humid environments”.
What sportswear can do to your health (if you don't take it off after training)

Athlete's foot
It is a very common fungal infection that typically begins in people whose feet have been sweaty and confined in their shoes or have not dried well after a shower; "That area is continuously macerated and the mushrooms are at ease," explains Dr. Cornejo. Athlete's foot symptoms include cracks in the foot or toes and a flaky rash that usually causes itching and burning. It is quite contagious and usually spreads through floors, towels and clothes. Come on, that the gym is your earthly paradise. Preventing it is not very difficult, according to the recommendations of the Mayo Clinic we can avoid getting this pathology by wearing shoes with good ventilation, changing the socks at least twice a day and using flip flops in the pool. If it is too late for you and you are already suffering from it, then phytotherapy could have the answer to your problem: in this study published in the Australasian Journal of Dermatology it has been shown that the topical application of creams with at least 25% oil Tea tree (an essential oil with natural antifungal and antimicrobial properties) significantly improves athlete's foot.

Vaginal candidiasis
This infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans is super normal and most women will suffer at least once in their life. It occurs when this microorganism that lives naturally in the vagina, mouth, digestive tract and skin multiplies more than normal. Among the many factors that can activate this infection, the use of sweaty clothing for a long time is one of them since it creates a perfect environment for the proliferation of this fungus. As it is logical not to change the swimsuit or wear tight clothes, synthetic underwear or any other material that makes us crotch sweat does not help. Eye, although it is not a sexually transmitted infection, some men may develop rash and pruritus after intercourse with an infected partner. To prevent candidiasis, Dr. Cornejo recommends "gentle hygiene, clothes that perspire and sleep without underwear." Another way to prevent candidiasis could be by taking probiotics, especially L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. fermentum RC-14, as they seem to decrease the chances of getting it.

Pityriasis versicolor
Malassezzia furfur is a yeast that is naturally in our skin but heat, moisture and genetic predisposition can increase its development, among other causes. The consequences? Irregular macules of a pinkish brown color but that in summer, with sun exposure, can turn white and usually appear on the back and shoulders. Like any other mycosis, pityriasis versicolor can be prevented to some extent, but what all specialists agree is that sweat, sebum and high temperatures do not help to avoid it in any way. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, in addition to pharmacological treatment, non-comedogenic cosmetics or oils that contain oils and avoid wearing tight clothing (especially prevalent in the gym) can help cure and prevent them. By the way, it is not contagious.

They occur when there is a prolonged pressure and / or friction on the skin. In the case of ulcers under the breasts, the use of an inappropriate bra during exercise can cause a constant rubbing that progressively irritates the skin. Another cause that can cause a contact eczema is "the nickel that carries the fastener closure" says Dr. Cornejo. Far from improving the situation, the sweat can make it worse and both the inappropriate bra and the sweat without drying can end in a painful outcome. And speaking of inadequate bras, according to a research group at the University of Portsmouth, in the United Kingdom, to exercise and avoid this type of injury, it is best to use compression sports bras in case of having small breasts and encapsulation bras in case of big breasts. Other similar injuries occur in “cyclists, runners or water sports athletes by rubbing with wet meshes on the nipples and on the inner side of the thighs,” says the dermatologist.

In short, after the gym goes through the shower, there are no excuses that are worth it. "The most important thing is to take off your clothes immediately, shower with warm water and a soap without detergent, rinse well and dry even better," concludes Dr. Paloma Cornejo. If despite taking precautions any of these conditions appears, the only thing that will take effect will be a treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Do you have vaginal itching? It could be due to these reasons
What sportswear can do to your health (if you don't take it off after training)

Itching in the intimate area may be linked to fungal infections or irritation of the area, among other causes. Why should you be aware of the symptoms? When to consult Find out.

Vaginal itching is a common symptom that usually causes concern in women. Often, it occurs when the pH of the area suffers an imbalance due to infectious processes or improper use of hygiene products. However, there are other causes.

As a publication in Dermatologic Clinics points out, the causes of vaginal itching can be inflammatory, environmental, neoplastic or infectious. In addition, many times several causes coexist simultaneously.

Therefore, whenever this symptom is experienced, it is important to observe if there are other discomforts. In addition, we must check if there is exposure to possible triggers. If so, it is most convenient to consult the doctor or gynecologist to address it properly.

Reasons why you have vaginal itching
There are many factors that could explain the appearance of vaginal itching. According to a study published in BioMed Research International, hormonal changes, changes in the composition of the vaginal microflora and changes in vulvovaginal pH are frequent reasons for this symptom.

But, beyond this, there are more concrete reasons that explain this symptom and that, in turn, are associated with that hormonal or pH imbalance. Its proper diagnosis is decisive, because that depends on the success of the treatment.

1. Fungal infection
A fungal infection known as Vulvovaginal Candidiasis is one of the most common causes of vaginal itching. According to data found in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, it is caused by the proliferation of the fungus Candida albicans, which is usually part of the normal flora of many women.
What sportswear can do to your health (if you don't take it off after training)

However, when the mucous lining of the vagina grows and penetrates, it triggers an inflammatory response that is what generates the symptoms. In addition to itching, you can also have secretions, dyspareunia and swelling.

2. Vulvitis
Vulvitis is usually more frequent among postmenopausal women due to the decrease in estrogen levels. This is the medical term given to vulvar irritation.

Its most characteristic symptom is swelling and redness of the genital, accompanied by itching. Coinciding with information in the MSD Manual, it may also be caused by:

  • Allergies to substances that have contact with the vulva, such as soaps, perfumes and even fabrics.
  • Skin disorders such as dermatitis.
  • Yeast infections.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Pediculosis of the pubis

3. Depilation
There are many hair removal techniques that cause itching in the vagina after application. This is because the skin of the area is very sensitive and has a tendency to manifest allergic reactions.
What sportswear can do to your health (if you don't take it off after training)

t-align: justify;"> Rakes, razors and even creams can cause skin irritation and lead to buried hairs that become infected. In addition, the cloth of the clothes tends to rub the shaved skin, worsening the irritation.

4. Sexually transmitted diseases
In very few cases vaginal itching has its origin in an STD, however, it could be one of the causes of itching. Remember that, in most cases, these types of diseases are asymptomatic in their early stages. Although, depending on the type of STD, the person may or may not experience itching at the beginning.

If in addition to the itching you notice small red bumps in the genital area, it is very likely that it is genital herpes, one of the most common and widespread STDs. It almost never leads to serious sequelae, but it is important to treat it so that it does not become a chronic problem again.

5. Skin condition
Skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema can also cause itching of the intimate area. Because it occurs in several areas at the same time, it is easy to detect when eczema is the source of vaginal itching.
What sportswear can do to your health (if you don't take it off after training)

If you suffer from these types of problems, it is important that you consult a general practitioner or your gynecologist so that you receive adequate treatment for your problem.

According to a systematic review published in Dermatologic Therapy, psoriasis that affects the vulva can be treated with low-resistance topical corticosteroids and with the application of mild moisturizers.

6. Menopause
During the transition to menopause, the woman goes through a series of hormonal changes, especially associated with estrogen levels, which trigger changes in her body. In particular, both the vagina and the vulva are affected, as their pH changes and their natural lubrication decreases.

As a publication in the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) highlights, the decrease in estrogen causes the tissues of the vulva and the lining of the vagina to become thinner, drier and less flexible. Therefore, women are more susceptible to symptoms such as burning, itching and pain.

The importance of seeing a doctor if there is itching
It is important to see a doctor if the itching is accompanied by any of the following symptoms:

  • Vaginal discharge
  • Fever and pain in the area of ​​the pelvis or abdomen.
  • You consider being exposed to an STD.

If it is an infection, the combination of symptoms could be the following:

  • Itching, accompanied by redness and swelling in the genital area.
  • Vaginal discharge (in girls who have not yet entered puberty).
  • Sudden changes in the amount, consistency, smell or color of the flow.
  • Presence of blisters or lesions in the vagina or vulva.
  • Burning when urinating.

Avoid at all costs self-medication or the application of products that are not advised by the doctor. It is better that you go to the gynecologist to receive the appropriate treatment according to your case.

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