Let's be real here, their desperate dream of a royal return is nothing but a thinly veiled grab for fame, fortune, and those precious titles. They've burned every bridge imaginable with their relentless attacks on the monarchy and their constant whining about their supposedly hard lives of luxury and privilege. Boo-hoo!
Nobody in their right mind wants them back in the royal fold. They've shown themselves to be untrustworthy, disloyal, and utterly incapable of putting anyone's interests before their own selfish desires. Harry and Meghan, let me break it down for you: you made your bed, now lie in it.
You chose to abandon your duties and responsibilities for a life of self-indulgent excess, and now you have the audacity to come crawling back, expecting open arms and a red carpet? Not on my watch. As Neil Sean so brilliantly stated, they've made their decision, and that's final.
To all my fellow critics and Royal watchers out there, let's keep the pressure on these two charlatans. Let's make sure they understand that their dreams of a royal resurgence are nothing but a fantasy. It's time for them to fade into obscurity where they belong, like the real Royals—the ones who actually give a damn about duty and service.