Tom Quinn, a novelist, warned Markle about the dangers of leveraging her royal connections for financial gain. Although Markle appears excited about her new endeavor, Quinn emphasized the risk she faces in potentially losing her royal title. While the senior royals are currently observing the situation without appearing vengeful, there's a possibility of decisions being made that Markle may not agree with in the future.
Despite Markle's belief in the suitability of her company's name, American Riviera Orchard, not everyone shares her enthusiasm. Rita Panahi, a Sky News host, criticized the name as "pretentiously stupid." Panahi's remarks reflect a broader skepticism about Markle's transition from royalty to celebrity status, particularly as she and Prince Harry forge new connections within the Hollywood scene.
As Markle and Prince Harry navigate their new lives in the United States, they risk becoming perceived as mere celebrities rather than members of the royal family. This shift is underscored by their recent interactions with prominent figures in Hollywood, such as skiing with Corey Gamble and mingling with Whitney Wolfe Herd. Richard Kay, a royal analyst, suggests that the couple's behavior signals a transition from royalty to celebrity status, highlighting the uncertainties surrounding their future trajectory.