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Bra size how to know the bra size?

Bra size how to know the bra size?
Bra size how to know the bra size?

Bra size
How to calculate bra size? It doesn't have to be a difficult task. In the female world, bras are very necessary. However, most women use the bra that is not appropriate for them. Bra size is important at this point. But, for this you must first know other vital concepts.

Bra: ally or enemy
The bras are garments that accompany women throughout life. Well, since adolescence, they meet them. However, this pledge can become an ally or enemy. Why? Well, these have to be used correctly. The vast majority of women, almost 80%, do not know their bra size

This last fact, can make the bra become a very large enemy. Since, it causes discomfort, pain and even deformation of the body. However, if the bra is the right one, it becomes a very good ally. Well, it allows the woman's figure to be stylized and become more attractive. What increases your self-esteem and feel confident.

How to know if you wear an incorrect bra size?
Well, there are several signs that show that the bra size is not the one indicated. If when analyzing them, it is discovered that there are several that apply to the case, action must be taken. Well, it is an alert that the correct bra is not being worn. Among these you can find the following:
Bra size how to know the bra size?

  • The bra goes up, even if it is adjusted to the last bracket it has. This is proof that the contour of the bra is large.
  • Leave a red mark when using it. This fact indicates that the contour of the bra is small for the person. Although the bra must fit, it should not leave any mark.
  • The chest goes out the sides and above. That is, it makes a double chest when wearing clothes. This indicates that the cup is small.
  • The ring is stuck in the chest, causes pain and leaves red marks in that place. This shows that the cup is very small.
  • The cup of the bra is somewhat empty in the upper area, and causes a bag to form. Or it is hollow at the bottom. This shows that the cup is large.
  • Most of the bras have 3 positions of the square brackets. When the bra is appropriate, if closing it in the center it adjusts without pressing or folds the skin.
  • The regulator that is on the back should not be above the line below the chest.

Composition of bras.
To choose a good bra, you must first know how it is composed. In this way, you can know what the numbers you have refer to. And therefore, get to know what is the most appropriate size. Together with this, we must know that bras are composed of two different measures, which are the following:

  • Contour: this refers to the diameter that passes around the body. From the back, below the chest and around the chest. This is the number that appears on the bra.
  • Cup: this is the measure that is above the chest, at the height of the nipples. This is the letter that appears next to the number on the bra. This measure is calculated as follows: Cup = chest contour - chest contour.
  • An example is the following: 90b bra: 90 is the contour and B the cup.

Nomenclatures for bra size
The most commonly used notching systems today are: European, French and English. The bra size in Spain is based, mostly, is the French system. This encloses all types of breasts in only 5 contours and 3 different cups. So it is not so accurate for women.

However, each woman is different. That is why European carving is better. Since it uses 9 different contours, which start from 65 to 105, and 10 cups (from A to J). This type of bras usually adapts more to the needs of each female.

Alphabetic nomenclature
Knowing how the bra is composed, it is easier to know what the right bra size is. And this is another fact that can help in the search for the perfect bra: the cups A, are for small bust (12 and 14 cm). Cups B are for a medium bust (14 and 16 cm).

On the other hand, the C cup is for a fuller bust (16 to 18 cm). And cup D is for those bulky busts (18 to 20 cm). And so on. Knowing the sizes of the bra cups will help in this search. Well, much of the confusion, of the various measures that exist, can be avoided.

Bra size how to know the bra size?

How to know your bra size.
The best way to know the bra size is to take the measurements with a tape measure. In this way, you can know what the contour size and cup is needed. To do this, the following must be taken into account:

  • When measuring the contour, the measuring tape should be placed just below the chest and tensioned.
  • In the case of the cup, it must be measured at the height of the nipple. But without squeezing. Otherwise, the inappropriate measure would be taken.
  • The measures have to be taken without clothes.
  • Avoid doing when you are in the period of menstruation. Since, at this time the breasts increase their volume.
  • The shape and volume of the chest change over time. This is important to remember, because it shows the importance of checking the bra size over time.
  • After measuring both the contour and the cup, many people use a size calculator. Which allows to have a more precise approximate of the size to be worn.

What do you want to achieve
Although it is important to know the bra size, it is also good to know what you want to achieve with this. What does this mean? Well, the purpose for which the bra is going to be used is a factor to take into account. Since, it can help in the correct search of the model. If the person wants is to enhance or hide, if he wants it to be for a neckline or that it only contributes volume. All this influences.

If the correct size does not feel right
A bra should make the woman tape comfortable and that her figure is enhanced. However, even if the right bra size is calculated, you may not feel comfortable with it. That's right, and not all women feel comfortable with the same. That is, two people may wear the same bra size, but feel different.

If the contour that gives very tight.
If it feels that the contour of the bra does not allow breathing, the size of the contour can be increased. Of course, taking into account that for the cup to be the same, a cup size must be reduced. For example, if the appropriate size is 80F, and you want to increase the contour, choose an 85E. In this way, even if the contour is larger, the cup will be the same.

If the cup does not fit.
In this case, two situations may arise. The first is if the contour and the cup are nailed. For this, it is likely that a bra pattern whose cup is slightly lower is chosen. This usually happens when the chest has lost firmness. So it has more volume in the upper part of the breast.

The second is when the contour looks good but the cup does not. If it is larger, a smaller cup size can be chosen. This has to be done without having to choose another size of the contour that fits well. For example, if the bra that is large is an 85D, it can be tested with an 85C. Thus, the bra will be adapted to the needs of the person.

How to correctly place the bra
Although it may seem odd, placing the bra correctly is important when you are looking for the right one. This is because a correct placement will allow the bra to do its role well. But how to do it?

The correct form implies that the breast is well placed, that is, leaning forward. In this way, the breast can fit well into the hoop, before buckling it. The brace must not be too tense. Of course, it should not be loose either. This is important to remember, because 80% of the weight of the chest, must be supported by the contour, not the strap.

Types of breasts
In addition, to know what size bra should be. It is very practical to know what type of breast you have. Since this will allow you to choose the bra that best suits the needs of women. Among the types of breasts you can find the following:

  • Small: these need to be enhanced and elevated. So it suits a type of Push Up bra.
  • Medium: The breasts of this size fit a type of bra that picks up the breast and rounds it.
  • Large: these need a great support, so that the bra can withstand the weight. And avoid backaches.
  • Fallen: Many women may feel identified with this type of breast. Especially if they have breastfed their children. These have to be enhanced and adjusted. The bra has to give them a rounded shape.
  • Separated: the bra should help sit and join the breasts.
  • Different: a bra that reduces them, will allow the neckline to remain balanced.

Importance of wearing the right bra size
For many use any bra be fine. This fact has caused the majority, due to ignorance, to wear an inappropriate bra. The truth is that it is important to know the appropriate size. Well, one of the most delicate parts of the female body are the breasts. In addition, they also need special attention.

The truth is that wearing an inappropriate bra size can affect the person. And not only in what has to do with discomforts. But also, in the emotional part. Wearing the right size can change someone's life and appearance. And this garment is very important in the daily life of women.

Physical consequences
Fasteners are items that are worn daily. Wearing an incorrect bra size can cause physical discomfort. This can produce: chest or armpit pain, headache, back pain and posture deformation. On the other hand, this helps the breasts fall and stretch marks appear.

Emotional consequences.
Having an incorrect bra size causes several problems. Having to constantly accommodate the bra, the braces fall, the chest comes off, etc. It produces a lot of stress. What in turn, causes the woman's mood to change, when dealing with these problems. Wearing a suitable bra size will avoid these problems. The mood will be better and self-esteem will rise.

What are the benefits of wearing correct bra size.
The difference between wearing a suitable bra size and one that does not feel good is very large. Well, using this brings great benefits in daily life. Therefore, some of these are shown below.

  • The chest is placed in the place it should be. These make it separate from the abdomen and the person looks stylized.
  • Blouses, shirts, etc., look better. As the chest is in place, and makes clothes look better.
  • Not being focused on whether the chest comes out, if a bag is made or if the contour is raised is a great relief. And, forgetting to wear a bra, provides more freedom. Which, in turn, allows you to take a lot of stress off of it.
  • Physical discomforts are eliminated. The posture improves and the figure of the person is much more attractive.

As it has been seen, by having the appropriate bra size, it becomes the best ally of the figure of a woman.

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