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How to lose weight those 3 kilos left over

How to lose weight those 3 kilos left over
How to lose weight those 3 kilos left over
How to lose weight those 3 kilos left over
We tell you the best expert strategies to help you lose weight easily
The countdown to the spring season begins and with it the first suns, the arrival of good weather, dinners away from home ... do you think it's an impossible mission to lose weight? We tell you the best tricks to lose weight those three kilos that you have left over without you noticing and in the healthiest way.

When the dates come to sheath the new outfits of the season or to sheathe your party looks or your premieres of the season, something seems to tell you that to wear them as they deserve you need to lose those three kilos that are left over. Does it happen to you? Do not be sad! Yes you can and without health risks.

Because although it seems that no, yes you can lose in a week those three kilos of more quickly and without effect yo-yó. The question is how? The expert doctor Ana Bellón gives us one of the answers "with a controlled diet that preserves our muscle mass and that attacks localized fat which will favor good long-term results," he assures us.

In addition, to lose weight these kilos you should not be fooled by miracle diets or based on red tea, protein or "detox" shakes, because "the secret lies in also combining a diet that helps you eliminate fat in addition to other habits and protocols that redefine your silhouette, "says Marina Rulló, Director of the RAME Aesthetic Center.
How to lose weight those 3 kilos left over
How to lose weight those 3 kilos left over

French fries, candy, cookies, first nougat and marzipan and precooked food such as bread, pasta or precooked cheese and even canned tuna or almond milk may contain more salt and sugar than you can imagine So instead of choosing these foods, choose whole wheat bread or whole grains such as muesli avoiding white and refined flours. If you want to lose weight, try to drink less dairy. Sugar, flour and dairy can cause inflammation so replace them with food and vegetables to achieve your goal of losing those three kilos faster.

Make irons, sit ups ... they become a good way to lose guts and get your dress dressed in your dreams or wear crop top without michelines. From the hypopressive abs to full abs work when it comes to achieving your goal and losing those extra pounds and fat in this area.

How to lose weight those 3 kilos left over
How to lose weight those 3 kilos left over

It is the culprit that you retain fluids, affects sleep and also induces you to snack between hours. The Health Coach Rocío Río de la Loza ensures that they are calorie drinks and you should do without your intake if you want to lose weight in less time.
How to lose weight those 3 kilos left over
How to lose weight those 3 kilos left over

Lack of sleep effectively causes desire for sugar and lucid affecting appetite hormones. One study showed that even a night of bad sleep could contribute to insulin resistance. "Getting a good sleep needs preparation, so to get more sleep, the ideal thing would be to practice meditation, relaxation or a hot bath with magnesium-rich salts before bedtime," says Marc Le Quenven, a naturopathic doctor at The Green shelters. And also make sure to have dinner about three hours before going to bed so that your body time to digest all the food. It is a trick of Dr. Mar Mira, doctor-aesthetic, nutrition expert and co-director of the Mira + Cueto center that will help you lose those extra pounds.

A study by Northwestern Medicine concluded that those who wake up at around 11 in the morning tend to consume, on average, 250 calories more, half of fruit and fresh produce, and twice as fast food as people who get up before: three practices that favor slower digestions and that can inflate the abdominal area. A practice not at odds with getting the regulations and adequate eight hours of sleep: all is knowing how to organize.

HIITs are one of the most effective exercises to lose weight faster by burning calories for your high intensity workouts. José Antonio Fernández, coach and technical director of BodyOn says that "in addition to its benefits at the level of localized body fat reduction and at the level of resistance improvement, it accelerates metabolism and optimizes hormonal levels, burns calories and works certain muscle fibers that other workouts do not contemplate combining aerobic and anaerobic exercises. "

Anyway, the number one in nutrition give us some easy strategies and tricks to lose weight without suffering or starving that will make it much easier.

Dr. Manuela Verdejo, from the Dalystetic clinic, recommends eating more protein to build muscle in your weight loss diet. "Choose turkey and chicken and limit red meat. Try to increase the pieces of fish a week, especially blue (salmon, anchovies, trout, sardines ...), eggs, tofu, oatmeal or soy vegetable drinks and fermented as kefir with beneficial bacteria for health, "says the expert.

According to coach and chiropractor Ata Pouramini, pineapple, lemon and grapefruit are fruits that you can include in your diet to lose weight in record time since during your digestive process you will burn more calories than they give you. The expert in aesthetics and nutrition Myriam Yébenes proposes an intensive detox diet so that copious meals and dinners do not take its toll in January: "When waking up and before breakfast: Drink a glass of warm water with the juice of a lemon to to purify the body and activate its metabolism To have a blue tea or red tea + kiwi + a toast of spelled / rye bread with turkey and Burgos cheese or avocado and brewer's yeast To eat, salted or baked fish + endives with lemon juice. And for dinner, a salad of crudités (endives, celery, cucumber and carrot, the amount desired) seasoned and seasoned with skimmed yogurt sauce, natural dill and parsley. "

Not only because of its satiating effect but because you need to drink water because then you lose it. According to the experts of Vita Coco "Water regulates the temperature, eliminates toxins, transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells, cushions the joints and provides protection to the tissues of the body and by the time you feel thirsty, your body has lost an average of more than half a liter of water. In the colder months, consuming two and a half liters of water a day is not always easy, so combining this intake with coconut water or infusions can be a good idea to help you lose weight. " , they assure. In addition, different studies ensure that if you drink two glasses before eating it will reduce your appetite and help you eat and snack less.

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