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Save underwear, how to do it?

Save underwear, how to do it?
Save underwear, how to do it?

What do we look for when we store our clothes? Basically two things: that it doesn't take up much space and that it doesn't get damaged. Can these two premises also be applied to underwear? The truth is yes. Although there are many tips, tips and tricks for storing clothes and more specifically bras, we are going to make a compilation of the best ways to store underwear.

We will divide the underwear into three sections and we will explain what are the best ways to store them in the drawer or closet. The sections are: bras, panties and stockings / pantyhose.

Save underwear: bras:
There are several ways to store bras, but not all of them are suitable for keeping them in perfect condition. Most women store their bras in a drawer (more or less large), few have space in the closet to store them.
Save underwear, how to do it?

One of the ways in which to keep the fasteners in the drawer is to: fold the fasteners in half and store them individually side by side. Although it is not the best way to do it, it is the one that if there is little room we can fit more bras. Of course, strapless bras should always be horizontal without changing their original shape.
Save underwear, how to do it?

Another version to store fasteners in the drawer is: keep them open, horizontally, one behind the other. Much better if we also order them from front to back from more to less use.

Save underwear, how to do it?

But what if Form 3 of storing underwear-slacks doesn't have room in the drawer? We can always turn to the closet. In this case, we can hang the clothes hanger fasteners, in this way they will not wrinkle in any drawer. But if we also have a full closet, we can always use a hanger system behind the door (like the one in the photo).

Save underwear: panties
This is a piece that we are going to use every day, and therefore it has a lot of rotation and sometimes that can make the drawer where we keep them a bit chaotic. To avoid this chaos, easily find the garment we need and protect the panties you can do the following:
Save underwear, how to do it?

You can use a series of cardboard boxes that you no longer use and divide them with other cartons into smaller compartments. In this way, we get some little holes where we can locate all our panties and order them as best suits us. The only downside is that, being cardboard, it may soon be deformed or lose strength to keep the panties in place.

Save underwear, how to do it?

Although this way of organizing the panties is very good to get out of the way, if we want something a little more permanent, we can opt for the fabric organizers. We can find them in many different types of stores. They only have one drawback: and, depending on the measure we need, we cannot find one that fits us. If we find ourselves in this case, it would be better for us to do DIY with cardboard boxes.

Save stockings and pantyhose:
Another of the most delicate pieces of storage are the stockings and the pantyhose, since its fabric has a tendency to suffer hooks. So, if we don't put the socks and pantyhose directly in the drawer, we protect them from chafing.

Although we can choose to use the same method as with the panties (the fabric organizers), there are some tricks to protect them a little more and not only organize them.
Save underwear, how to do it?

store underwear-bags to store socks If we do not want to complicate ourselves, we can very much resort to the typical transparent zip bags or the same transparent bags where the socks are packed. If we put them inside we make sure that when opening the drawer they do not rub with the top of it. We can also combine this option of the bags with the fabric organizer.
Save underwear, how to do it?

Another option we have, if we want something more personal and we like to make our own crafts, are individual boxes with paper rolls. This way the pantyhose will be well organized and protected. The only thing against it is that we cannot see the garment inside without opening the box.

We hope that these tips and tricks for storing underwear will be useful and do not hesitate, if you have any tricks share it with all of us.

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