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10 things you should keep in mind when you buy your first suit

10 things you should keep in mind when you buy your first suit
10 things you should keep in mind when you buy your first suit

The color
It is the first thing you should think about. Do not go crazy with the experiments, it is the first suit. Therefore, you must dive in the basics, in something that serves you for any occasion, and this function will have the navy blue. Not the electric, not the indigo, the navy blue of a lifetime. Neutral, classic, simple, perfect for a morning meeting or an afternoon event in which the dress code requires cocktail attire.

You may be thinking at this moment: "And it can't be black?", It could be, yes, but maybe they confuse you with the waiters.

The length of the sleeves
Once you have determined what your jacket size is thanks to the shoulders, pay attention to the sleeves, which should end just in the most prominent bone of a wrist. If not, fix it for a perfect finish.

The length of the American
Stretch your arm down and close your fist. Where it ends, it will be where the American must finish. It is true that some firms have opted for shorter or longer designs, depending on their aesthetics, but the traditional rules of tailoring indicate that "the size of the fist" is correct; and as we look for a basic suit, we should attend them.

By this we mean the fit of the suit. Not all cuts are the same, depending on which we choose we will be more tight or baggy. According to the new canons, the slim fit manda, although it is the most complicated fit, since we can fall into going too tight.

To ensure that it is the correct size, in addition to the shoulders, note that when the jacket is fastened, the flaps do not open to the sides and around the button, wrinkles are not made as a “crow's feet”. If you are still not sure that you are getting it right, check that you can move and, above all, breathe into the jacket.
10 things you should keep in mind when you buy your first suit

The flap
In recent times, the flaps have tended to narrow to the limit according to the skinny trend. What we do not usually repair is that this extreme flap was created to keep the proportions in this new silhouette: the narrower the flap, the wider the back will look. A perfect visual trick.

At present, however, we can find a wide range of flaps. If you are narrow-shouldered, opt for the narrow one, and vice versa. In case of doubt, the standard is the one that never fails.

The pants
This would not be a suit if I didn't have at least two pieces. Once you've found the right jacket, let's go for the pants. Consider the following points.

- Size. Again, watch out for the slim fit. Pitillo does not mean sausage. If the pockets open to the sides in the form of a beak, the seams are stretched until crying and the result is that of a gym Maya, it is small. If, on the other hand, you fit three or more fingers in the waistband, it fits you big.

- The cotton test. You may have followed the guidelines of the previous point and found your size, but here comes the definitive proof. Put on your pants and fasten it. Now, bend down by flexing your knees (until you touch twin with the back of the thigh). Hold on two seconds down. If you are comfortable, it is your size.

- The short ones. Take care of them until you have found your size. Once you have hit it, pick up the bottom of the pants until it rubs the start of the shoe.

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