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How to shape the female breast with these simple exercises

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How to shape the female breast with these simple exercises
How to shape the female breast with these simple exercises

We have always seen that the size or shape of the female breast has been a serious problem for most women. It is also true that we should never confuse that the beautiful breast is synonymous with large breast. Women seek to keep their chest firm and elevated and not to fall over the years so easily. That is why they go to the gyms or the beauty centers to “fix” their problem. This is an important part for the woman, since she will not feel good about herself or look the same, if her chest is not as she wants or wants.

Today we are going to detail some of the exercises that you can use all of you in the gym to keep your chest well and not have to go to the cosmetic surgeon and spend thousands of euros in an operation that could be complicated in some cases. But first we will explain well how is the area of ​​the breast and what it is composed of so that we get a better idea.

What is the breast like?
The female breast or mammary glands are organs of the female reproductive system that are specialized in the secretion of milk after pregnancy. These glands are located in the subcutaneous tissue of the thorax, in the upper area. The so-called nipple is located in the center of each breast and is surrounded by a circular pigmented area called aura. The mammary gland has fifteen to twenty lobes irregularly, and each of them contains alveolar glands and a duct that leads us out through the nipple.
How to shape the female breast with these simple exercises

The breasts are separated by a very dense connective tissue and that joins the pectoral muscles below. The weight of each breast is supported by the connective tissue that extends inward from the skin of the breast to the breast tissue. The breasts are made up of fibrous and fatty tissue that supports it and contains nerves, blood vessels and lymphatics. The woman's chest is narrower than the man's, although the muscles of both have the same functioning.

Why does the woman's chest fall?
There are many causes why women's breasts naturally fall over the years. Although the most common are, among others, poor support over the years, stress and sudden loss of large amounts of weight. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are also part of these causes, although to a lesser extent they can be conclusive. So apparently, naturally the female breast will fall yes or yes if we do not put any remedy. In addition, there are no exercises to increase the size of the woman's chest, do not go looking for miracles.

We exercise the female breast
Since we cannot increase the chest with exercises, we will gradually strengthen it with some exercises. Many women think that by doing machine exercises or free weight for their pectoral, they will increase muscle volume and reduce the size of their breasts. That's not true. With these exercises you will get a better appearance and increase the tone and firmness of the female breast. We will work both the pectoralis major and the clavicular portion of the pectoral.

The work of the shoulder girdle should also be relevant, this will make the woman's posture more upright and correct. The shoulders will not be beaten forward and the chest will come out more. Our advice as personal trainers is an exercise chart similar to the one we put below combining with a cardiovascular exercise routine twice a week. Be assured that your appearance and that of the chest will improve markedly. We will put in each exercise an explanatory YouTube video so you can perform the exercises properly at home or in the gym.

  • Inclined Dumbbell Press
  • Pulley crossings
  • Lower pulley crossings
  • Contractor
  • Press shoulder dumbbell bench 75 degrees
  • Front pulley lift

Gironde rowing scapular retroversion: in the Gironda rowing machine we take the grip and without flexing the elbows we try to make the scapulae come together without shrugging our shoulders.
With all these exercises explained, we will indicate the amount of work that we are going to use to get a firm chest without accelerated falls. To do this, we will perform three sets of fifteen repetitions per exercise with a weight with which we do not have difficulty finishing all the repetitions. We will rest between a minute and a half and two minutes between each series.

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