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We reveal the positive effects when you choose not to wear a bra

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We reveal the positive effects when you choose not to wear a bra
We reveal the positive effects when you choose not to wear a bra

If you hesitate to throw your bra out of the window, read this study!
We have always heard that you have to wear a bra, that it's good for your breasts. But this is not entirely true. Here are some truths about the positive (and negative) effects when you choose to live without a bra.

In recent years, a study by Professor Jean Denis Rouillon has put doubt into the minds of all women: are bras so necessary to prevent sagging breasts? And above all, are they good for your health? By crossing several sources, we will try to enlighten you as well as possible on this crucial question!

The Real Benefits of Living Without a Bra

2008, first study: Dr. Rouillon conducts his study on thirty women, young, athletic and whose breasts are quite small. At the end of a year without a bra, he notices that the breasts of these young ladies have firmed up and present a more attractive aesthetic. A promising result but not scientific enough.

2013, second study: Dr. Rouillon is still conducting his investigation over a year, but this time, he tested 330 women. As in the first experiment, the conclusion shows that the breasts of these women are prettier after one year. But women also testify to an improvement in their well-being. They feel more serene, they have the feeling of breathing better and have less back pain. So a success.

Since this second study, many women have thrown their bra out of the window. In Japan, for example, 43% of Jaopnaises are convinced of this study and one woman in 4 often goes out without a bra.
We reveal the positive effects when you choose not to wear a bra

Finally, another study has shown that women who wear a bra between 18 and 24 hours a day are much more likely to develop breast cancer than those who do not wear it at all, but we are not really able to understand exactly why ...

Real advantages but also real urban legends

We reveal the positive effects when you choose not to wear a bra

There is no scientific evidence that wearing a bra regularly increases the risk of breast cancer. It is true that wearing a bra restricts blood and lymphatic circulation, and that this can benefit the development of cancer, but nothing is yet 100% related to the wearing of the bra. To take no risks, do not hesitate to massage your breasts from time to time to promote your circulation.

In addition, the idea of ​​no longer wearing a bra is not recommended for women with large breasts, especially if they exceed the C cup. Indeed, the chest is heavy and weighs on the back, and the bra has the advantage of relieving back muscles and avoiding long-term muscle problems. And obviously, the heavier your chest, the more it risks falling if it is not retained ...

Conclusion: Ladies, if you have a small chest (cups A and B), you can afford to wear bras less often, especially when you do sports. It should do you good, free you up and contrary to popular belief, it will not make your chest "fall" faster.

If, on the other hand, you have a generous chest, sorry, but the bra remains important to avoid too much back pain. It also remains important when you play sports. On the other hand, you are invited to wear it less than 12 hours a day, and to make yourself a few days without, for example on Sundays when you stay at home!

Now that you know everything, share it with all your friends, they too have the right to know! ;)

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