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Yoga outfit: how to choose it? Which is ideal for practicing?

Yoga outfit: how to choose it? Which is ideal for practicing?
Yoga outfit: how to choose it? Which is ideal for practicing?

That's it, did you find your first yoga class? You are motivated, ready to walk through the door and meet other practitioners. But a question suddenly comes to mind. What yoga outfit should you wear? Are there clothes to avoid?

I thought about this for you and thought that over the course of my years of practice, I had made a few dumplings in yoga clothing. Shorts a little too indented that we no longer assume in certain postures, to the T-shirt which drips on the face in inversion… So I decided to use my years of experience to help you choose your future yoga outfit. I promise, you won't make the same mistakes as I do with these tips.

The keys to finding your ideal yoga outfit
Whether they are close to the body, bright or white, for men or women, your yoga clothes must meet these three criteria:

  • Antiperspirant
  • Comfortable
  • Ease of movement

Not sure what that means? Here are some more detailed explanations…

The first essential point for your yoga clothes is that they must be designed in a technical material. Yes, yoga is a physical practice where you sweat easily. We must therefore choose as much as possible outfits designed in a material suitable for athletes. We don't want to feel the sweat from the start of the class and get noticed for that reason ... Oops.

Then your yoga outfit should be comfortable. Now is not the time to think about your backstitching seam or your tightening bra. Preferably, your ideal yoga clothes will be designed without seams, in a soft material on the skin and will not be too tight.

But comfort also requires an outfit in which you feel good. No question of having a t-shirt that reveals its belly once upside down if we don't like to show it, or a very tight cut if it makes us uncomfortable. Prefer yoga outfits in materials and cuts close to those you are used to wearing. Buy the one for which you have a crush but especially the one where you feel yourself.

Besides, you will surely discover that yoga classes place you in a certain proximity with other practitioners. Their carpet is often close to yours, either next to you or behind you. Having the right yoga clothes will be essential to make you feel comfortable. Adios outfit that molds too many intimate parts of your body, too thin and transparent materials, those that slide to the side and reveal patches of skin that we would prefer to keep dressed. We want to feel good!
Yoga outfit: how to choose it? Which is ideal for practicing?

Ease of movement
If this is your first class, do not think that a yoga session is a meeting of pretty women in tight fitting clothes, dressed in a simple bra with plunging neckline. Forget the idea that indoor yoga outfits are inspired by the yogagirl hashtag on Instagram. This is not true ... In reality, a very soft pajamas would surely do the trick to practice. And between us, it’s my favorite yoga outfit when I’m at home.

When we talk about ease of movement, we suspect that sexy outfits do not really belong on the mat. Practicing yoga also means being yourself with ease. Besides, if you one day visit an ashram as part of a yoga retreat, you will see that it is forbidden to wear excessively tight clothing and to reveal its forms out of respect for teachers and practitioners. Personally, I’ve had the same yoga outfits for years. These are the ones where I feel good and where I am free to move as I see fit.

What are the basics for composing your yoga outfit?
All this is fine, but how do you build a yoga outfit with these elements? Here are some yoga clothes for women to help you choose during your first yoga class:

  • a sports bra
  • a t-shirt or tank top
  • sports leggings

Let's take a closer look at this typical yoga outfit…

Underwear in yoga:
For more comfort, ladies, avoid fine lingerie. Prefer cotton pants or shorties as well as a sports bra. This one does not need to hold the chest firmly, as a running bra would do. Also watch out for thin straps which could injure your shoulders in certain stretches.

Personally, for my yoga outfit, I prefer cotton bras that hold slightly without marking the skin. For example, this type of bra, suitable for small and large breasts, may be a good idea.

Most of the time, yoga is practiced barefoot, to have a better anchorage on the ground. It also helps to stabilize better during balance postures. But in winter, especially at the start of the session, it can be difficult to take off your socks. Thus, there are non-slip yoga socks that allow you to easily balance and feel the support on the floor.
Yoga outfit: how to choose it? Which is ideal for practicing?

Of course, this is not an obligation during your practice. A pair of classic thin socks can also be a good option to get started. It is up to you to see if this will be useful to you.

The T-shirt: a yoga garment to adapt to your practice
There is something that still happens to me regularly, when I put myself in a posture leaning forward ... Suddenly, my t-shirt falls in front of my face, depriving me of my sight and my concentration. While we say it once and for all, most T-shirts are not suitable for the practice of yoga.

In any case, if you have high-waisted pants, you can always slip them inside to avoid this inconvenience. But before he has this idea, he will probably tickle your nostrils a few times ...

Over the years, I now think it is best to wear a tank top for yoga practice. Choose it in a material close to the body. This will prevent it from coming off the belly when you do inversions. This fairly long racerback model seems well suited for a woman's yoga garment, like this one.

T-shirts, hoodies: to avoid for a good yoga outfit?
For t-shirts, we are not going to make war on them, some are still very nice. For example, I really like this model with an original cut.

Among the yoga clothes to also avoid, there are hoodies. They fall on your head and block your ears during certain postures. It's a disaster ! Also, avoid overly sophisticated outfits, such as open backs, which keep you cold and will make you uncomfortable in certain positions.

In winter, you can obviously wear a comfortable sweater, at least for the start of the course and relaxation. The Namasté model from Yoga Searcher has been eyeing me for a while. Wearing a sweater is also a great choice if you are practicing Nidra yoga, a practice in which you will do little movement. Of course, you probably have a comfortable sweater at home. It will therefore not be compulsory to buy one to start yoga.

The bottom of the ideal yoga outfit: shorts or leggings?
Yoga leggings are certainly the most suitable and comfortable outfits to feel good during a session. You can choose it with a knee or ankle length, depending on the season. You will see it in class, originality is common in the models of yoga leggings on sale.
Yoga outfit: how to choose it? Which is ideal for practicing?

But we can also find something softer like these leggings.

On the other hand, the problem with yoga leggings is that they are tight. It’s not necessarily the woman’s yoga garment that everyone will feel comfortable with. We can therefore choose rather flexible and loose pants for his practice.

In summer, you can practice in shorts. Some are well suited to yoga. But watch out for models that can make you uncomfortable in certain group positions. In Iyengar yoga, you will see that you often wear typical shorts, the cut of which is specific to this practice. This makes it easier to stabilize. For example, in the tree posture, you can put your foot directly on your leg for better balance. The shorts therefore have a functional aim.

In any case, avoid closures on the bottom of your yoga outfit. They could bother you, when lying on the carpet.

And the hair ?
If you are wondering, know that yes, you can do yoga with your hair loose. However, in some styles of yoga, if they are long, they may bother you. When you come upside down, for example…

A simple ponytail is a good choice, although it can get in the way when you lie on your back. It is however the hairstyle that I have chosen for years, for lack of knowing how to make other more technical ones. If you’re not like me, you can choose to have a braid. Otherwise, you can always loosen your ponytail every time you lie on your back.

Yoga outfit: what to avoid?
For me, the best yoga outfit is really the one that feels most comfortable. Personally, I choose it in bright colors, energizing and with a material close to the body. This is what I like because I can better understand my alignment. I consider that a larger outfit would prevent me, but it is a completely personal choice.
Yoga outfit: how to choose it? Which is ideal for practicing?

However, you will understand that it will be necessary to avoid very beautiful but uncomfortable clothes, large socks that prevent you from feeling your support as well as a little too sexy outfits. But that's not all.

The jewelry you wear everyday will be put aside. Watch, necklace will certainly be uncomfortable during your practice. The ticking of your watch could affect the relaxation of other practitioners and the noise of your bracelets that also snap. Better to leave them at home.

Likewise, avoid perfuming yourself just before your session. The smell of a perfume is not for everyone and could annoy other students.

Last thing to mention: when you enter a yoga room, you will often be asked to take off your shoes at the entrance.

That said, apart from certain specific types of yoga that have specific outfits (like Kundalini yoga that is practiced in white), there is no need to ask yourself thousands of questions before your yoga class. The world of yoga is open-minded ...

Men's yoga outfit: what to choose?
Men also have the right to an outfit adapted to their practice. How to choose your ideal men's yoga outfit?

Often, the male students I meet choose shorts to practice. We could for example choose tight shorts which we will complete with another larger model in overlay.

Loose shorts alone will often be uncomfortable, if they reveal underpants in certain postures. Likewise, the form-fitting alone can be uncomfortable if it is not thick enough. In winter, you can also wear leggings for men of this type or a simple jog. Small flat nevertheless on the joggings which can sometimes move if they are too ample. Their cuts can make certain positions more complicated to set up. So gentlemen, do not hesitate to dare materials and cuts that you will wear exclusively as yoga outfit. Rest assured, the other students will be too focused on their practice to observe your yoga clothes.
Yoga outfit: how to choose it? Which is ideal for practicing?

What price for a good yoga outfit?
It is not always necessary to have a complete yoga outfit purchased as such. Most yoga students, male or female, already practice a sport in parallel. If that's your case too, I think you’ll probably find a suitable outfit in your closet. However, having at least yoga pants that are suitable for postures and comfortable will make you feel comfortable during your sessions. The motivating factor it involves is also significant: "Next, a next yoga session. I will be able to try my new leggings! (Lived). A yoga leggings is therefore a good first purchase, which may, why not, be the only one for your yoga outfit. Count between 20 and 40 € depending on the brand.

For the top, between the bra and the tank top, ladies, you will have to count between 20 to 30 € for women's yoga clothes adapted to your body shape and comfortable. For men, the necessary should already be at home, a simple t-shirt a little tight-fitting can be adapted. Otherwise, count around € 10 to get one.

Last detail that will make the difference for your comfort ... I think that a small towel should always be in your yoga bag, in addition to your water bottle. Indeed, this allows you not to slip into certain postures where you will sweat your hands. Likewise, you can wipe yourself with it if you practice Hot Yoga. Microfiber towels, which dry quickly, will be very suitable.

Of course, the yoga mat will be a central element during your sessions. This is why I dedicate an entire article to help you choose it.

Yoga outfit: how to choose it? Which is ideal for practicing?

You now know how to choose your ideal yoga outfit to practice. That said, it may already be in your closet. So avoid unnecessary purchases for your first yoga classes and choose a simple outfit, where you are comfortable, without necessarily spending a lot. I know that as a woman, you rarely miss an opportunity to buy new clothes ... But, what if you take your example from Monsieur for once? I’m sure he didn’t even read the entire paragraph about it, saying, "Well, after all, I’ll put on my soccer shorts and basketball t-shirt and I'll be fine ...". We said the most practical!

Feel free to comment on your favorite yoga outfits and the materials that help you feel good during your activity.

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