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10 Exercises to Lose Weight

10 Exercises to Lose Weight
10 Exercises to Lose Weight

The best exercises to lose weight are those where more calories are spent in less time, such as: running or swimming. However, to lose weight efficiently and maintain results, it is important to combine these activities with muscle exercises, which should preferably be done in the gym and under the supervision of a personal trainer.

Aerobic exercises such as walking and running increase heart rate and burn more calories, while resistance exercises, such as muscle exercises, promote muscle hypertrophy, allowing an increase in muscle size, making the individual consume more energy.
The best exercises to lose weight in the gym are aerobics, some examples are:

1. Muscle exercises
Exercising the muscles is one of the main activities for those who want to lose weight, because their regular practice helps to increase muscle mass, as well as endurance, strength and flexibility. The more muscle mass, the greater the person's ability to spend calories at rest, thus promoting weight loss. However, for this to happen, it is important that the training is regular and that the person follows a balanced and healthy diet.

Amount of calories burned: The amount of calories expended during anaerobic exercise training depends on several factors, such as the intensity and type of activity performed, as well as the individual characteristics of the person such as physical condition, weight, structure physical and genetic.

For this reason, the calories that are burned during this type of training can vary between 300 to 500 calories per hour. However, as there is a gain in muscle mass, the body continues to expend calories for up to 48 hours after exercise, as long as the training is moderate or intense and you eat a healthy diet.

2. HIIT training
HIIT training or High Intensity Interval Training, corresponds to a set of exercises that must be performed with high intensity in order to accelerate metabolism and promote weight loss. The exercises are performed intensively, in order to raise the heart rate, for this reason, this training is more suitable for people who already practice some type of physical activity. However, there are HIIT workout routines with easier exercises, especially for beginners.

Amount of calories burned: As it is a high intensity exercise, HIIT training is able to help burn around 400 calories per hour. However, in order to burn all these calories, ideally, it should be done under the guidance of a personal trainer or physical education teacher.

3. Crossfit training
Crossfit training is also quite intense and requires greater cardiorespiratory capacity, because the training is carried out in a high intensity circuit and with little rest time between one exercise and another. In this type of training different weights, jump ropes, rubbers, boxes, among others are used and, in general, it is usually done outdoors.

Amount of calories burned: Like HIIT, crossfit workouts are quite intense, being able to burn about 700 calories per hour during exercise. To increase energy expenditure, weight loss and muscle mass gain, it is important that the practice of crossfit is guided by a professional, especially if the person is starting out in this sport, is sedentary or has some joint limitation, of This way it is possible to guarantee that the exercises are carried out correctly and without risk of injury.

10 Exercises to Lose Weight

4. Dance classes
Dancing is an excellent activity that helps to strengthen and tone the muscles, in addition to increasing flexibility and increasing caloric expenditure, thus improving cardiorespiratory capacity and promoting weight loss. In addition to this, it is an activity that allows you to have fun and be distracted, being excellent to stimulate memory, improve posture and reduce stress.

Amount of calories burned: calories burned vary according to the style of dance and the time it is practiced. In zumba or dance therapy it is possible to lose an average of 300 to 600 calories per hour. However, to be able to burn this amount of calories it is necessary that this activity is carried out intensely.

5. Muay Thai
Muay Thai is a type of intense and complete physical activity, because it uses various muscle groups and requires physical preparation. These workouts improve cardiorespiratory fitness and physical condition, as well as muscle strength and endurance, in addition to increasing self-esteem.

Amount of calories burned: The amount of calories expended during a Muay Thai training varies according to the intensity of the training and with the physical preparation of the person, being able to reach up to 1500 kcals when the training is very intense and has excellent physical preparation. However, the average caloric expenditure for Muay Thai practitioners is around 700 calories per workout.

10 Exercises to Lose Weight

6. Spinning
Spinning classes have different intensities, and it is done in a room with an exercise bike. These classes, in addition to promoting high calorie expenditure and weight loss, also promote strengthening of muscles, burning of fat in the legs, also improving cardiorespiratory endurance.

Amount of calories burned: To enhance the caloric expenditure of spinning classes, it is necessary for the person to do a class according to what was requested by the instructor. In this way it is possible to burn between 600 to 800 calories per hour.

7. Swimming
Swimming is a complete exercise, because in addition to promoting physical condition, it is capable of strengthening muscles and promoting caloric expenditure. Although the strokes are not too strong to get to the other side of the pool faster, it requires constant effort, with few rest periods. When the goal is to lose weight, it is not only necessary to get to the other side of the pool, it is necessary to maintain a constant and strong rhythm, that is, you can cross the pool by swimming crawl and turn your back, for example, as a form of "rest" .

Amount of calories burned: As swimming is a complete exercise, the practice of this physical activity can promote caloric expenditure of up to 400 calories since the person maintains the rhythm and always remains in motion.

8. Hydro gymnastics
Hydro gymnastics is also excellent for losing weight and improving cardiorespiratory fitness. As water relaxes the tendency is to slow down, however, if you want to lose weight, the ideal is to be in a class whose purpose is the same, because there are classes for older people who are at a more leisurely pace, and in these cases it is not enough to help you lose weight.

Amount of calories burned: In order for hydro gymnastics to promote the expenditure of as many calories as possible and promote weight loss, it is necessary for the person to always keep moving, enough to keep them panting. In this way it is possible to burn up to 500 calories per hour.

9. to run
Running workouts are great for promoting calorie expenditure and burning fat, and can be done both on the treadmill and outdoors. However, it is important that the run is always carried out at the same pace and with moderate or high intensity. It is possible to start running at a slow pace and each week gradually increase the intensity until you achieve the goal you want to achieve.

For people who are not in the habit of running or who begin to be physically active, this exercise may not be the best way to initially promote caloric expenditure. Therefore, the idea is to start doing aerobic exercises, such as walking, until the person feels able to start running. Learn about a walking training routine to lose weight.

Amount of calories burned: the caloric expenditure of a run can vary between 600 to 700 calories per hour, as long as the person maintains a good rhythm, does not take many breaks and tries hard enough, to the point of not being able to speak during the trot.

10. Body pump
Body pump classes are an excellent way to burn fat, since it is done with weights and steps, working the main muscle groups, thus promoting their strengthening and increasing resistance, in addition to also improving cardiorespiratory capacity, due to the fact that demands greater physical conditioning for the performance of the exercises.

Amount of calories burned: the body pump classrooms promote a caloric expenditure of up to 500 calories per hour, requiring it to be performed at the rate and intensity indicated by the instructor.

These are some examples of exercises that help you lose weight fast, but that must be done under the guidance of a professional so that they are performed correctly, avoiding causing injury to the muscles and joints.

The ideal is to divide the training time between aerobic and anaerobic exercises, preferably 5 days a week to lose weight effectively and continuously. During workouts it is important to keep energy and the body hydrated, being recommended in these cases to make homemade energy drinks.

Muscle exercises help define the body, fighting sagging. However, when there is a great loss of weight it may be necessary to do some sessions of aesthetic physiotherapy or even an abdominal surgery called abdominoplasty, to remove excess skin.

What exercise to do to lose weight faster?
To lose weight 1 kg of fat per week, equivalent to 4 kg per month, you must perform an exercise that spends approximately 600 kcal per week, 5 times a week, combined with daily muscle exercises.

To burn off the intended calories, you must exercise for 1 hour and keep your heart rate within the ideal range, which should be approximately 80% of its maximum capacity. This capacity, however, will depend on the person's physical conditioning, their age and the intensity of the exercise. Exercising below these values ​​will not greatly favor weight loss.

An extra help is buying a small digital device called a pedometer that shows how many steps the individual takes per day. This device can be purchased at sporting goods stores or online and the recommendation is to take 10,000 steps per day.

In addition to this, it is also important to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, low in fat and sugar and rich in fruits, vegetables and fibers. Check out some healthy recipes for weight loss.

How to start practicing weight loss exercises
When starting some type of physical activity, the ideal is to be evaluated by a professional to verify the weight; perform an anthropometric evaluation, which consists of measuring body folds; Feeding Habits; medical history and; blood pressure.

In addition to this, it is also important to tell the professional what your objectives are, so that both training and food are adapted to what you want. The ideal frequency is 5 times per week, being at least 30 minutes per day and the intensity should be moderate to strong.

Generally, training begins with aerobic exercises, such as Spinning or Zumba, then a muscle exercise routine should be performed. As the individual gains resistance, the exercises or the rhythm of the class must increase, which will require more effort from the heart and muscles.

Weight loss exercises at home
It is also possible to perform aerobic exercises and to strengthen muscles at home, being an excellent way to burn fat. It is possible to walk fast on the street daily, run a few kilometers and then increase the distance weekly.

In addition to this, then at home you can perform some exercises to exercise the muscles such as squats, push-ups, irons, tripping, among others. See a routine for increasing muscle mass at home.

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