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What is it like to wear a bra if you are a man?

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What is it like to wear a bra if you are a man?
What is it like to wear a bra if you are a man?

There are sports kits that are used to being in the background, without giving it the attention we should. An example of this are Sports Bras.

When someone starts running they usually worry about choosing good shoes that help them minimize injuries. If you opt for cycling, take time to decide which is the most comfortable jersey and avoid chafing. In team sports such as football or rugby, boots are also important.

However, if you are a woman, no matter what sport you practice, the Sports Bra may be even more important than those elements just mentioned. You don't know why or which one to choose? Keep reading because I tell you by answering a series of more than usual questions.

Why do I need to wear a Sports Bra?
The breasts are formed internally by a series of tissues. And they are not firmly anchored to the body by a protective muscle, but are only held by ligaments that support the full weight of these tissues. They are called Cooper ligaments.

Normally this is not a problem, but when doing sports the thing changes.

That the passing of the years and other circumstances cause these fiber fibers to deteriorate, is evident. Therefore, older women tend to have lower breasts than younger women.

But the usual practice of some sport can cause this process to accelerate significantly if the appropriate measures are not put in, that is, if you do not use a specific Bra.

When running, jumping, or simply moving steadily, the breasts inevitably move. This causes an impact on those Cooper ligaments whose rupture can accelerate. And this happens regardless of whether you have large or small breasts.

The problem with this is not only aesthetic, but also, you can suffer severe breast discomfort due to this internal damage. If you have large breasts, you will also resent the back that not only supports the usual weight, but also that additional movement.

If you have been cautious and taken the necessary measures to cushion the constant impacts during sports, Cooper's ligaments remain firm and do not suffer greater damage than usual in everyday life.

Why don't normal bras work for sports?
Despite their name, and with exceptions, Journal Fasteners are more designed to enhance and shape than to hold. Although they obviously do so and prevent Cooper's ligament movement from being greater, they are designed for less intense day-to-day activity.

Before major and repetitive impacts, such as those you suffer during sports, an ordinary Bra will not protect you enough and, in a short time, you will begin to suffer discomfort.

Not to mention that the materials and designs are not designed for intense activity. So the combination of these with constant sweat and movement can cause chafing and injury, especially in the lower part of the breasts.

Sports Bra High Impact, Medium or Low?
This is a very common question when it comes to starting sports and having to choose a Sports Bra. The lack of information and doubts are the causes that, in many cases, women end up opting for the worst option: Do not choose and use Bras daily.

The type of support of your Sports Bra depends on two fundamental factors: The activity you are going to perform and the size of your chest.

Low Impact or Lightweight Fasteners
This type of sports bras are indicated for low intensity activities and, as the name implies, with little impact. Yoga, pilates, walking smoothly and even weightlifting, unless you do intense training sessions, are examples of sports for which you can choose this option.

Medium Impact or Medium Fasteners
This type of bras provide more support than the previous ones, so they are suitable for sports with a little more impact: bike ride, skate, high intensity walking, gym ...

They are also a good idea for activities without impact when you have large breasts, from size 90 - 95.

High Impact or High Hold Fasteners
As you have already imagined, these are suitable for sports with more intensity and rebound: Running, cycling, combat, aerobics, football ... And as before, for medium impact activities in case of large breasts.

The High Clamping Fasteners should have crossed straps on the back to reinforce their function.

Many brands have Maximum Restraint Bras so that women with large breasts can practice these intensity sports safely.

Sports Bras for Contact Sports
Keep in mind that if you practice contact sports such as rugby, boxing, judo, etc., it may be convenient for you to choose specific Sports Bras that not only fulfill the task of reducing the rebound, but also protect against bumps in that area so delicate.

What types of sports bras are there?
As we have already seen, when choosing a Sports Bra you must take into account the type of activity to be performed and the size of the chest. But you also have to pay attention to the most appropriate type of support.

There are Compression Fasteners, made with specific elastic material and that push the chest towards the body to achieve the desired support. They are usually the most used by women with small breasts.

There are also the Encapsulation Fasteners. They are those that have a cup for each breast and offer a greater support than the previous ones, so they are usually the ones chosen by women who pass from size 90.

Finally, there are the Bras that combine both systems, that is, they have a cup for each chest and, at the same time, hold it by pushing it towards the body. They are best suited for women with larger breasts or who are going to practice a high intensity activity, in this case, regardless of size.

Anything else to consider when choosing a Bra for sports?
In addition to the aspects that we have commented previously, there are some points that it is convenient that you consider:

  • Choose the right size or the Bra will not fulfill its function correctly. Measure the contour of the chest, just below the breasts, in centimeters. For the cup you must repeat the operation through the most bulky area of ​​the bust and consult the equivalence table of each brand. If you buy online and when you get home it does not fit, remember that you have the right to change it or return it, even if it was on sale.
  • Avoid underwired bras. With the constant impact they can harm you and even cause you bruises.
  • Opt for breathable fabrics to drain sweat well and be more comfortable. Although your grandmother has insisted for a lifetime that you wear cotton bras, in this case synthetic fibers are a better option. In addition, they will allow faster drying when you wash it.
  • Look at the finishes, especially the closures and seams. These types of elements can make you chafe and be very uncomfortable. It is preferable that you invest a little more and choose a Bra with flat seams, zippers and zippers protected, without internal tags ...
  • If you have an option, choose the adjustable straps, so you can place them to your liking and be totally comfortable.

Are there sports bras for men?
Although the use of the Bra is culturally associated with women, the truth is that there are men who also need to use this garment, especially in the case of those who suffer from gynecomastia.

It is difficult to find a Sports Bra for men specifically designed as such and that is named. Garments with the terms "Body Sculptor", "Chest Compression" and other similar items are more common. This is due to the fact that the function of Men's bras also usually leads to compression, to try to oppress and disguise the size of the chest.

In addition to the Men's Sports Bra, there are also other alternatives that can make you feel more comfortable, such as compression shirts or vests. And of course, if you don't find anything that suits your needs, you can choose to use Women's Sports Bras. You may have difficulty finding a suitable size because the torso of men is usually wider than that of women, but once you hit it, its function is exactly the same in both genders.

Here you have a good assortment of garments that may interest you:

And the Sports Bras of the Footballers?
In recent years it is increasingly common to see players wear a bra when they take off their shirts. However, in most cases, it is not really a Sports Bra.

The most common is that they are GPS tracking devices, heart rate monitors and other control and measurement systems. This is what allows us to know statistics such as the distance traveled by a player during a match.

In summary
Summarizing. If you are a woman and you practice sports, you need a specific Bra whether you have large or small breasts.

If you have a chest size below size 90, you can wear Compression-Fit Sports Bras. From there, encapsulation or combined are more convenient. The degree of impact depends on the activity to be carried out, as explained above.

In case your breasts are large, always opt for a high-impact sports bra that combines encapsulation and compression systems. If you are going to practice running, football or other similar activity, opt for maximum support.

Men with gynecomastia have some specific options, although they can use Women's Sports Bras. They also have other more comprehensive compression garments such as shirts and vests.

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