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The 15 best foods to burn fat

The 15 best foods to burn fat
The 15 best foods to burn fat

Have less belly and lose weight thanks to spicy or green tea? It seems magic, but it's science.

1. Green tea burns fat
The 15 best foods to burn fat

Green tea contains an antioxidant polyphenol called epigallocatechin gallate. This compound, in addition to being a powerful anticancer, fights white fat, which tends to accumulate in the abdomen and puts the heart at risk. Choose well. Commercial drinks with green tea extract, which also have sugar or sweetener, are not worth it. To make it burn fat you must prepare it with tea leaf and without sugar. Take 4 cups a day to get the best results. You will lose 700 g in a month.

2. Yogurt
The 15 best foods to burn fat

The calcium in yogurt helps the body to better metabolize fat and reduces the creation of new fat deposits. To absorb it better, take a yogurt out of meals and with a good handful of red fruits (its anthocyanins will enhance the fat burning effect).

3. Olive oil
The 15 best foods to burn fat

Oil (ie fat) to burn fat? It is not a contradiction, if you eat foods rich in “good” fats, it will make it easier for the body to eliminate white fat and replace it with brown fat, a type of body fat that helps burn more calories because it is the one that is responsible for maintaining the body temperature. Among all the good fats we recommend olive oil because it has been shown to activate brown fat.

4. Lentils
The 15 best foods to burn fat

Take them once a week for three reasons: they contain iron that facilitates fat burning; Vitamin B12 that is essential for converting fat into energy and Vitamin B3 that also helps burn fat. That avoids cooking with very fatty ingredients such as chorizo.

5. Chile
The 15 best foods to burn fat

It contains capsaicin, the substance responsible for itching. When you take it, your body temperature rises and, to do so, your metabolism burns reserve fats. Capsaicin-rich peppers include habanero pepper, date pepper, cayenne pepper, serrano pepper and jalapeño pepper. Chili pepper and Padrón peppers also contain; Those who bite, of course.

6. Turkey Skewer
The 15 best foods to burn fat

Turkey is very rich in vitamin B12, the real fat-burning vitamin, which you only find in meat, fish, dairy products and eggs. You are interested in obtaining it in sufficient doses of light and lean foods such as turkey.

7. Walnuts
The 15 best foods to burn fat

According to this study from the University of Barcelona, ​​eating 30 g of nuts every day for 12 weeks reduces abdominal fat. Which is already a good reason to include them in the daily diet. But in addition, nuts are satiating and help reduce our blood glucose levels. To take advantage of all these benefits, take 5 nuts a day.

8. Apples
The 15 best foods to burn fat

Eat them with the skin to increase the dose of fiber and ursolic acid. These compounds make the entire digestive process slower and the metabolism increases its effectiveness in removing energy and nutrients from food. This increases the amount of calories you consume even without moving. If you can, choose organic apples free of pesticides.

9. Chocolate
The 15 best foods to burn fat

It seems incredible, but chocolate - although it contains monounsaturated fat - helps to burn belly fat. Of course, to benefit from these effects, the chocolate you choose must have a high cocoa content (at least 85%). So you know, you can treat yourself with eating an ounce every day after meals.

10. Guacamole
The 15 best foods to burn fat

This traditional Mexican recipe is attributed beneficial effects on fat metabolism. You just have to crush and mix 1/4 of tender onion, 2 avocados, lime juice, 1/4 of tomato and cilantro. Add serrano chile to daditos (in the amount you like, it is very spicy) to enhance the effect.

11. Broccoli
The 15 best foods to burn fat

After eating broccoli, the body transforms its sulfur compounds into an anticancer substance called sulphorophane. This same substance initiates a chemical reaction that leads to burning fat. To be able to make good use of broccoli nutrients, do not boil it too much. Ideally, you cook the florets for only three minutes. Season with extra virgin oil, lightly toasted garlic and paprika. Healthy and delicious.

12. Lemon
The 15 best foods to burn fat

Natural medicine attributes to the lemon a detoxifying ability on the liver. In this way, it allows you to better perform your functions, including digesting and burning fat, preventing them from accumulating in the belly. What is not proven is that drinking fasting lemon water helps eliminate toxins. There is no serious study that has proven it.

13. Cinnamon
The 15 best foods to burn fat

You can use it as a substitute for sugar in coffee. Its aroma is due to a compound called cinnamoaldehyde, which has the ability to promote the elimination of abdominal fat, the least healthy. It also lowers insulin production and blood sugar levels.

14. Tomato
The 15 best foods to burn fat

The red color is due to lycopene, a substance that stimulates the production of the amino acid carnitine, which in turn favors the combustion of fats. You can prepare a juice with 1 tomato, two oranges and honey. The vitamin C of the fruit enhances the effect of lycopene.

15. Chia seeds
The 15 best foods to burn fat

Very rich in fiber, which "drags" fat, and in omega 3, which is related to having a lower body fat index. In order for your body to absorb its nutrients well and not pass through the digestive tract, it is important that you grind them before consuming them.

We know that taking fat is necessary. We need them to be able to live, since they provide us with heat, they help us make vitamins, hormones, etc. The problem appears when they begin to accumulate in the areas where they bother us most, forming the unsightly michelines: in the belly, the holsters, the ass, the waist ... Who wants to have them installed there?

And it is that fats fatten twice as much as proteins or carbohydrates, and on top they tend to accumulate more easily. As if that were not enough, they satisfy less, so we eat more. There are several foods that have hidden fat and maybe you didn't know, find out.

But it is not only an aesthetic problem. There are many studies that have shown that between what the waist measures (where fat usually accumulates) and the risk of cardiovascular problems there is a close relationship. And the more you measure your waist, the more points you have that your heart ends up getting sick.

Luckily thanks to science, today we know how to reverse this process. We can prevent grease from installing in our conflict zones and even make the one that is already accumulated disappear. Simply follow these simple tips and take advantage of the properties of some foods, such as those you've seen, which act as authentic fat burning remedies and go super good for daily menus for a low-fat diet.

Yes, it is proven that some foods contain substances that help the body burn fat accumulated quickly and more effectively. But just like there are foods that make you burn fat, there are habits that hinder that job and hinder it. For example, eating low fat, skipping meals or eating in a disorderly manner and after hours ... All this causes a chain reaction of the metabolism that increases insulin resistance and can lead to more abdominal fat accumulation. The more chaotic your mealtime schedules are, the more insulin spikes will occur and the more your michelines will increase.

You can easily know if you are overweight or not and how your body fat is distributed

The body mass index (BMI) is one of the indicators for the diagnosis of overweight and obesity, because weight is related to body fat. To calculate it, divide the weight (in kilos) by the square of your height (in meters) by the square. If you measure 1.68 cm and weigh 58 kg your BMI will be 20.55, which would be considered a normal weight.

Classification of Body Mass Index:

  1. Under 19 Thin
  2. 19-24.9 Normal Weight
  3. 25-29.9 Overweight
  4. 30-34.9 Mild obesity
  5. 35-40 Moderate obesity
  6. Over 40 Morbid Obesity

Waist and Hip Index, serves to know how fat is distributed. For this, the perimeter of the waist (just below the last rib) and that of the hip are measured by its widest circumference (the one that passes through the middle of the buttocks). To obtain the ICC, the first digit is divided by the second. The value of the ICC for women should be between 0.71 and 0.84. When it is greater than one it is when there is a large accumulation of abdominal fat in the waist and there is a greater risk of suffering cardiovascular disorders, diabetes and hypertension. For men the normal value is between 0.78 and 0.93.

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