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5 bra mistakes you should avoid

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5 bra mistakes you should avoid

Many women know it - the feeling of not wearing the right bra. But what are we doing wrong? Finding the perfect bra is often a lifelong mission. And a very serious challenge. Because while the right bra shows off your preferences perfectly, the wrong bra can even make you look fat. So what to do? We'll reveal the top five no-gos and how to avoid these mistakes.
5 bra mistakes you should avoid

1. Your bra is too small
If the bra is too small, it will apply - and make you look fat. The breast is squeezed out of the cup, back and to the sides. The unsightly result: the bra cuts in on the sides and causes rollers under the armpits.

2. You are unnecessarily wearing a push-up bra
With a smaller bust size, some women think a push-up bra is the answer. But mostly he only puts a thick layer of fabric over your chest and thus applies it. Basically, only women who have the upper part of the bra stick out need it. If you don't feel comfortable without push-up, choose a light bra that subtly lifts your breasts.
5 bra mistakes you should avoid

3. You try to cheat your breasts smaller with a minimizer bra
Many women with large bust sizes consider minimizer bras to be the optimal solution - but most don't feel comfortable in them at all. The reason: The breasts are pressed flat against the body and spread over a larger area. They appear smaller from the side, but their wearer appears thicker. A well-fitting bra with support function, however, lifts the chest from the side so that it is not pushed into the armpit.

4. You have been wearing the same bra size for years
Many women choose the same bra size all their lives. A mistake, because breast sizes fluctuate. Not only pregnancy, breastfeeding and hormone fluctuations affect the bra size, but also weight changes, age and often just the monthly cycle. Therefore measure yourself regularly and check the fit of your old bras.

5. Your bra is too old
Have you trusted your absolute favorite bra for ten years? This loyalty may not be rewarded. Because body sweat can destroy the elastane contained in the bra. Result: The breasts are not supported enough and hang. You should therefore check the quality of your bra every three to four months. Look at your profile in the mirror and check in which direction your nipples in the bra are pointing - if they point down, you need a new one.
5 bra mistakes you should avoid

You should pay attention to this when buying a bra
A poorly fitting bra not only affects your self-confidence, but also your health - which is expressed, for example, in headache and neck pain. Therefore, you should choose underwear that shows you your best side and at the same time feels good.

The bra fits when the back of the bra sits at the same height as the front underwire and does not slide up when worn, the underwire and bar do not stick out from under the breast, but lie against it, the bra does not cut into anything and the breasts fill the cup well.

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