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How to dress well: 8 tips to always choose the perfect look

How to dress well: 8 tips to always choose the perfect look

How to dress well: 8 tips to always choose the perfect look

 Eight style tips to dress well on every occasion and show off an impeccable look that enhances you to the fullest!

If you are reading this article, you are probably interested in knowing tricks and secrets to be fashionable and flaunt a flawless look on any occasion. Before proceeding further, however, let's clarify what we mean by "dressing well". The following piece does not aim so much to dictate universal rules to be followed slavishly, but rather to provide a series of stylistic tips and guidelines to help you choose your outfit with awareness, focusing on your tastes and taking into account your physical characteristics. . All with one purpose: to enhance you and allow you to feel at ease every day. After all, try to notice: how much more beautiful and confident do you see yourself, when you wear the clothes you love and that really fit you? As this video reminds us, seeing yourself beautiful is a choice and is undoubtedly easier if you listen to yourself thoroughly and give voice to your personality also through the image.

So here are our 8 style tips from which you can get inspired to choose tailored outfits and shine every day as you should!

1. The passepartout garments that you should always keep in the closet

Let's start from the fundamentals: there are must-have clothes that cannot be missing in our wardrobe and that come to our rescue on any occasion, guaranteeing us to show off a noteworthy look without too much effort. These are evergreen garments that never go out of fashion and that easily lend themselves to different mix & match, giving rise to the most varied outfits, from the most classic and elegant to the most informal and casual ones.

What clothes are we talking about?

  • A black or neutral blazer
  • a black suit or skirt
  • a pair of jeans
  • a little black dress
  • a white shirt

a pair of black pumps or more informal shoes such as women's Chelsea boots for the sportiest ones

How to dress well: 8 tips to always choose the perfect look

In fact, it will take very little to color these basic clothes with new souls, even if only by adding a particular accessory with a whimsical touch, a colored garment or a foulard with a bright fantasy and character. And so, for example, jeans will become elegant, a classic black dress will turn into a rock and roll outfit and a simple solid color suit will be charged with a breath of super glam.

2. Follow your style, don't just follow fashion

Let yourself be guided by your personal taste and not just by what are the trends in vogue at that moment. Often the trends promoted by the season are not compatible with our taste or do not enhance us properly. Also being aware of your body and enhancing it properly with the right clothes is a great way to not get the wrong look and always feel at the top. Therefore, have the courage to exclude from your wardrobe fashion trends that you do not feel yours, even if you see them on anyone.

Trust what you feel when you look in the mirror: it will always remain the best parameter to not make mistakes and choose what really enhances you. At the same time, however, try to get out of your comfort zone a little and get used to trying on garments that you would not normally wear: you could surprise yourself and discover that you love them madly! In short, a right mix of healthy certainties and love for novelty, letting yourself be guided by the only true criterion that matters: your personal judgment.

How to dress well: 8 tips to always choose the perfect look

In fact, remember that the look can also be an alternative and creative language to express one's personality and communicate with the world.

3. Identify "your" colors

There are colors that have the power to enhance our complexion in a natural way and others that, instead, turn it off. But, how can we easily identify them and choose garments of the most suitable shades for us?

With some small rules of armocromia (color analysis), you can easily understand if we belong to the category of warm or cold colors and have access to the palette most suitable for us, both in clothing and in makeup. Among the criteria for finding out is, for example, identifying the color of the veins of the wrists: if they seem more blue, your skin will have a pink undertone and you will be better with cold colors, if on the contrary they turn more green, you will have a yellow undertone and the nuances on which you will have to focus will be the warmest ones. Other criteria are: how do you become when you tan (golden skin - warm colors; very dark complexion or, conversely, very white with a tendency to become red - cold colors), the color of the eyes (whether they are light or dark, if they have a component of yellow - therefore hazelnut, brown-green, green or blue but not ice - we belong to the sphere of heat, if they are dark brown, gray, ice blue or teal, to that of colds) and the color of the hair (if they have natural golden or coppery shades, our shades are the warm ones, if they are strong colors or on the contrary very light, almost glacial, we are in the context of the cold ones). Going more specifically, on the basis of the warm / cold and light / dark subdivision, four seasons (which follow the classic ones) have been identified to which each woman belongs:

  • spring: warm colors for light-colored women (eg Jennifer Aniston)
  • autumn: warm colors for women with medium-dark colors (eg Julia Roberts)
  • summer: cool colors for light-colored women (eg. Gwyneth Paltrow)
  • winter: cold colors for women with medium-dark colors (eg Anne Athaway)

How to dress well: 8 tips to always choose the perfect look

But what are the specific palettes based on the 4 categories? Each of these is rich and varied and follows the typical colors of the four seasons: from the summer sun that makes everything very clear to the yellow light of spring that softens the tones, to the glacial and dark landscapes of winter and the warm autumn palette of foliage.

Among the cold colors:

If you have light shades - and you are therefore a summer woman - choose cold shades with a blue, pink or gray base. Therefore, pearl white, lemon yellow, light pink (pastel, antique or powder), lavender, raspberry, strawberry or cherry red, cold blue (light blue, periwinkle and aquamarine) will be perfect. warm shades with yellow undertones, such as brown and orange.

If you have dark tones - and you are a winter woman - opt for bright and intense colors or soft but with a cold soul and blue or gray undertones. Excellent white, black, gray (light and anthracite), electric blue, navy or Prussian, violet, indigo, emerald green or mint, bright red, magenta or burgundy, lemon yellow and shocking pink but also light pink.To avoid: earth tones, browns, olive green, laurel and sage, oranges, warm reds and burnt ones.

Among the warm colors:

If you are light - that is a spring woman - choose warm but soft and delicate tones. Perfect beige and warm nude, camel, terracotta, bright yellow, orange, warm browns and reds, sky blue and teal, warm shades of green, cobalt blue and not too cold grays. To avoid: dark shades and blue undertones that extinguish the typical brightness of spring women.

If you are dark - autumn woman - let yourself be guided by the autumn colors. Green light then to copper, bronze, brown, orange, pumpkin color, the burnt, the yellow of the dry leaves, the mustard, the warm green, the plum, the ivory and the cream. Avoid: black and gray, optical white, lemon yellow, purple and candy pink or fuchsia.

How to dress well: 8 tips to always choose the perfect look

Other rules on the use of color

1. It is not enough to choose your own colors, it is also good to know how to combine them. In this case, let yourself be guided by common sense and measure.

2. Beware of exaggeration too: try not to exceed three colors per outfit, for a look that is still classy and not too excessive.

3. If you choose the solid color, always very elegant, opt for basic colors, in nuance or ton sur ton. Avoid the colors that are too bright and particular so as not to be too much. A bright total white or a total black are always two perfect choices. If you belong to the sphere of warmth, focus on beige, camel and the bright shades of nude.

4. Play wisely with accessories

If your look is loaded, do not overdo it with flashy accessories: simple and monochrome jewelry is better. On the contrary, a simple and basic outfit will be enriched with elegance and character if enhanced by an important and multicolored necklace.

Even in this case, however, keep in mind the rule of hot / cold. Choose silver accessories if you show off outfits in cold tones, such as gray or white, instead stay on gold, rose gold and bronze if you are women with warm colors or dressed in bright colors with yellow undertones.

5. Choose the right outfit for every occasion

Remember that every occasion requires its own outfit. One of the most common mistakes is dressing improperly based on the circumstance. Being overdressed at a simple dinner with friends will make you feel inadequate or not very self confident: a practical everyday look is better, perhaps with some glam-chic details for a less informal touch. On the contrary, if you attend an event that requires a specific dress code, such as a wedding, or even just the Christmas and New Year's parties, respect it by adding a pinch of personality to be fashionable but also full of character.

How to dress well: 8 tips to always choose the perfect look

6. Also pay attention to age

A high essential criterion is to understand how to dress according to the age you have. It will be natural with the passage of time, to feel more comfortable with certain clothes rather than with others and change your wardrobe, leaving behind too sexy, bright, extravagant, short or tight garments. After all, if you want to look younger, you need to focus on sober and classy outfits, without giving up your taste but rather, complete everything with a touch of personality and character, letting yourself be guided by the fashions of the moment.

7. Dressing well doesn't necessarily mean spending a lot

Yes, it is possible to dress well for little money. To exhibit noteworthy looks you don't necessarily have to show off Gucci or other high fashion brands; on the contrary, there are more than decent low cost brands that offer a series of high-level fashion alternatives. Let yourself be inspired by everything that surrounds you, take ideas and inspiration from the people you meet on the street, contaminate the styles and put your own. And above all, always be on the alert: you can find a wonderful dress even in a remote market or in a semi-unknown shop.

Rather, reserve the most important purchases for evergreen garments or accessories such as bags or shoes, which can accompany you for longer and that you can show off with more outfits and on more occasions.

How to dress well: 8 tips to always choose the perfect look

8. Be inspired by the icons you love and feel close to your style

If you particularly love stars and especially their way of dressing, why not take inspiration? Choose icons that are close to your colors and your style and get some ideas to show off looks that are perfect for you. There are many celebs that dictate the law in terms of fashion, from Meghan Markle, classic and always chic, to Kate Middleton, who has more mixed high fashion clothes with low cost brands, inspiring women all over the world. Not to mention the beloved Jennifer Aniston, trendsetter also in terms of hair, or the eternal Carrie Bradshaw, Sarah Jessica Parker, the undisputed queen of style, in life as in fiction.

How to dress well: 8 tips to always choose the perfect look

In short, find your muse and let yourself be inspired and contaminated, but remember to always be yourself!

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