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King Charles Refuses to Face Prince Harry After Puppet Harry Humiliates Late Queen for Meghan Markle's Sake

King Charles Refuses to Face Prince Harry After Puppet Harry Humiliates Late Queen for Meghan Markle's Sake

King Charles straight-up refusing to even look at his renegade son in the eye during Prince Harry's recent trip back to the UK. That's right, folks. The newly minted monarch gave his own flesh and blood the ultimate cold shoulder, declining to make time for a reunion despite being geographically in the same vicinity. An intentional power move snub if I've ever seen one. In fact, I'd go so far as to say the king is finally showing a long overdue glimpse of having cojones by denying Harry's pathetic attempt to love-bomb him with a conveniently timed visit during a swing through the homeland.

Make no mistake, this whole scripted UK trip was most certainly Meghan Markle's latest sad ploy to try pawning her way back into the royal family's good graces by using her hostage husband as an emotional human shield. But thank God the new boss didn't fall for their same trick this time around. Just think about the unmitigated gall of these two shameless dimwits to expect an audience with the king whose mother Harry repeatedly disrespected and humiliated in his bitter tantrum of a memoir, Spare.

 A memoir, mind you, that saw this petty, vengeful little man smear his own grandmother's legacy with all sorts of ugly gossip and unfounded character assassinations made solely to create buzz and line his own pockets. The same disloyal charlatan who spent years leaking stories to his wife's PR machine aimed at undermining the reputation of Queen Elizabeth, his own family's matriarch. Time and time again, Harry participated in the most appalling and ungracious slights against the very woman who welcomed his frolicking wife into the firm with open arms, doing her best to make an outsider feel part of the family despite all the warning signs about Meghan's conniving true nature.

From mocking Her Majesty's beloved corgis to suggesting she was getting bad advice and mishandling royal affairs, to the most unforgivable offense of accusing her of not showing adequate empathy during the darkest days of Meghan's made-up suicidal ideation tales, Harry crossed line after line trying to sell imaginary scores at the expense of dragging the queen's name through the mud.

All because his manipulative wife had zero loyalty to anyone but her own selfish pursuit of fame and wealth. Harry's betrayal of his grandmother, who he was once so close with, was utterly unconscionable. And for what? So he could revel and posture as some saintly victim while basking in the glory of his unearned royal titles.

His equally treacherous wife steadfastly refused to relinquish her blatant disrespect for tradition and family values. It was a disgrace. So can you blame the newly minted king for refusing to indulge these depraved bottom-feeding hustlers now that he wields ultimate authority over the firm? Of course not.

In fact, it would be downright pathetic and weak if Charles had simply opened the palace doors to welcome Harry back like a prodigal son after all the damage he and his cancerous spouse have inflicted. Megan has proven time and time again that her sole interest is using Harry, along with his family status, wealth, and institutional leverage, as accessories to meet her own vapid influence or ambitions.

This is the same rancid, race-baiting grifter who regularly mocked ancient royal traditions with sneering contempt while filling Harry's head with anti-establishment resentments designed solely to market their tawdry truth as palatable victimhood to their native cult of psychopathic fans.

And let's not even get started on the disgraceful way Meghan galvanized around the UK, flashing her baby bump and crying crocodile tears about how oppressed she supposedly was by the firm's notorious racism, all while winking at the press and contriving her own Oprah-fueled pity party as part of an obvious ploy to maximize her post-royal earning potential.

Simply put, Meghan Markle is a cancerous, amoral grifter whose very presence disgraces the institution of the monarchy. Which brings me back to King Charles's decision to effectively disown the petulant, ungrateful Prince of Pity who enabled his wife's every disrespectful, deceitful, treasonous act against the crown.

What else was he supposed to do here? Welcome Harry back with open arms while turning a blind eye to years of sabotage, lies, and insults lobbed at the House of Windsor? Forgive and forget his cancerous son selling out centuries of tradition and loyalty for a few million bucks and some fleeting celebrity activist clout chasing?

If anything, Charles should be commended for finally demonstrating this steely resolve and tough love discipline that the entire royal hierarchy should have shown much sooner towards this woke wastrel Harry and his odious, Z-list actress of a wife.

A strong but fair rebuke about respecting the crown was centuries overdue for these two shameless hustlers. So mark my words, the latest royal snub to Harry isn't some petty act, but rather a calculated power move by King Charles to reassert dominance over a rogue family member.

Some tough love boundary enforcement to make it crystal clear to this wayward son that there are finally real consequences for his years of abject disloyalty, dishonor, and treason against the crown he once claimed to respect.

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