If you are not used to exercising or do not have time to go to the gym, we give you a series of tips for exercising without leaving home. The excuses are over! All you have to do to stay fit is to clear a room and do some simple exercises from home.
A healthy diet combined with a little exercise several times a week is enough to prevent disease, raise defenses and also feel better about yourself. It doesn't matter if you do it in the morning, or late in the day, what counts is that you exercise your body. Why don't you dare and set yourself a physical target? There are some expert tips that ensure that exercising in the morning will help you increase muscle mass and lose fat in the afternoon. Sign up for a healthy life!
The best exercises to do at home
It is true that currently our pace of life is too rushed and we have hours left in the day to do everything we propose when we wake up in the morning. Therefore, we recommend that you consider carrying out a healthier routine thanks to this plan to organize all the meals of the week. Try to take a little while out of the day to dedicate time to yourself and take note of these simple exercises.
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What are the best exercises to do at home? |
Now we are going to show you the best exercises to do at home for those who don't have time to go to the gym. This series of exercises are a sport classic and will not take you more than 20 minutes. As you notice that your body gets used to the exercise you can spend more time and perform other types of exercises.
In the event that you are not accustomed to performing this type of exercise, start small and gradually increase repetitions in your push-ups. Begin by supporting your knees on the floor and when you gain more strength in your arms and perform them with the body completely lifting off the ground, with your feet and hands as your only support.
To perform squats it is important that you learn to place your body in the proper position. Stand against the wall to keep your back completely straight, start flexing your knees. You will see how in a short time and progressively you will get to burn fat. Do not force yourself too much, you will see how the following times you will achieve greater goals.
Place your body horizontally on the floor, if it hurts to do these exercises, you can place a carpet or buy a gym mat to feel more comfortable. It is very important that your feet do not move and that you keep your back straight while lifting the trunk. Do not force the neck when you join. Little by little you can incorporate different types of abs into your exercise routine from home.
This type of exercise increasingly has more followers in its ranks. The fact that many celebrities have opted for this technique has aroused our curiosity about hypopressive abs, and it is not for less! Among its many benefits, it highlights the fact of strengthening and toning your muscles, reducing the contour of your waist, regulating your respiratory parameters by increasing your lung capacity, preventing the weakening of the pelvic floor after delivery and improving the health of your back.
Despite what may seem very complicated to the naked eye, the dominated ones are much easier to perform than any other exercise. All you have to do is get a pull-up bar that suits your needs and get to work! To do this, you just have to stop by the Carrefour supermarket in Valle Real and purchase the one you like best.
To practice it you can help yourself with an elastic band, or buy a rowing machine. You could say that the horizontal rowing is one of the main exercises when working the back muscles, because thanks to this movement you will be working both this area and the arms. In addition to working your muscles, you will also be able to optimize the functions of the respiratory and cardiovascular system. Check out these rowing machines available at the Carrefour supermarket in Valle Real.
It seems like a simple exercise, right? But the truth is that what may seem like a child's play will help you work all the muscles in your body, burn calories, develop your reflexes and maintain balance.
In recent years, running has been at the top, becoming one of the most practiced sports for all of us. In this case it will be necessary for you to leave home to be able to do it, yes! It will help you to disconnect from the stress caused by the daily routine, being able to do it in the nearest park or touring the city.
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The iron is a booming exercise in recent years and its results are amazing. It also has many variants: side plate, flex iron, one-hand iron and one leg lifted. To make a normal iron, start on the floor, squeeze the stomach and proceed to support your weight on the elbows and the tips of the toes for 15-20 seconds. The back should be completely straight. Try not to take out a culete, and if you find it too easy with your elbows supported, you can do it with your arms fully extended.
To properly perform this exercise, we must stand with our feet together and take a step forward bending both legs until the back knee almost touches the ground and both knees are bent at 90 degrees. Strengthen with your feet and change legs with each repetition. It is a very useful unilateral exercise to develop the strength of the legs separately, and gain tone equally on both extremities.
To train shadow boxing at home you must make rounds of 1 minute followed intensively and then rest for 1 minute to continue with the next round. In total 3 rounds can be performed for an effective practice result. The training consists of choosing a specific technique or a stroke and focusing on doing it until tired. You will throw blows during the next minute and the more they perform, the better, it will become faster and faster.
Tips before doing sports
Before you start playing sports at home, we are going to give you some tips to avoid possible injuries:
- Try to warm your body before starting exercises that require more effort. To do this, take care to move all your joints well.
- Stretching is essential so that you do not suffer any injuries, never forget this step even if you do not have much time, because if you do not stretch correctly you can easily damage your muscles and tendons.
- Do cardio or aerobic exercises, there are lots of tutorials on YouTube from which you can get ideas to do it at home without machines. You can go from skipping rope to dancing with music to move your body.
Another advantage of the exercise is that it not only helps you physically, but also psychologically, because it is a continuous challenge in which you will want to constantly achieve new goals. It will help you motivate yourself and will be most rewarding. In Valle Real stores you will find the best sports fashion to exercise in the most comfortable way. We will wait for you!